Want to make your Stratosphere project more readable? Need to change some colors, line styles, or count symbols? We've got a few notes for you here and a short video that walks you through the whole process.

The video below is probably the best tool for teaching how to customize your takeoff shapes, but before you jump in, make sure you keep in mind this one important note: If you would like to change the properties of a specific takeoff item within a layer, use the select tool to click on that item and then use the shape inspector on the right-side toolbar to adjust that shape. If you would like to change the properties of all the takeoff items in a layer and the properties of all future takeoff items in that layer, click the layer on the left-side toolbar and then use the layer inspector on the right-side toolbar to adjust the layer properties. When you’re done making changes, press the “Update layer annotations” button at the bottom of the inspector to apply changes to all shapes.

It's definitely easier than it sounds, and best if we show you. Here's a quick video that walks through the whole process.