If you've already created a shape but want to make some adjustments to the points on that shape, Stratosphere makes it easy. Just follow these simple steps below:

  1. Click the Select tool in the top toolbar
  2. Click on the shape you want to edit
  3. To move the whole shape, just click and drag the shape to where you want it to go
  4. To move a single point on the shape, click and drag the red circle around any of the existing points to where you need it
  5. To add a new contact point, hold the SHIFT key until you see a green dot appear on the line (or outline) where you want the new contact point and click to place a new contact point. Once you have the new contact point, it functions just like any other point on the shape and you can click and drag it to where you want it

Note that adding contact points and moving existing points only applies to shapes made with the Area and Line tools. So if you're making a more complex measurement we encourage you to use the area tool instead of the Rectangle or Elipse.